Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My mystery love for Tagore...

I had decided to work from home today. So I could be able to do house chores at the same stay on the telephone line, emailing, reading, catching up with business news I had them waiting for me on the desk...

Somehow, my mind today couldn't concentrate...It keep thinking about the journey of life and therefore, Rabindranath Tagore was in my mind. I memorialized when I was 15 years, the monks had educated me about world poetry and Tagore ever since I love him. It's hard to explain the reason why. I always adore him plus he was so handsomer. I just wanted to take a break and read his poem, my favor part all time:

Lover's Gifts VIII: There Is Room for You

Hãy vào ghé tạm nơi đây, 
Em lẻ loi mang vài bó lúa. 
Thuyền tôi chật nặng lắm rồi, 
Nhưng sao nỡ để em đi không với gọi.

Người non trẻ thân em thướt tha gầy guộc,
Mắt tươi duyên hé nở nụ cười, 
Và chiếc áo em mang xậm màu mây trời nặng nước. 

Khách sẽ về từng bến, 
Khách sẽ về từng nhà...
Ngồi tạm mũi thuyền tôi giây lát, 
Rồi cứ việc lên bờ
Lúc hết chuyến dừng chèo, 
Không ai níu giữ em đâu. 

Em về đâu, nơi nao, 
Cất những bông lúa óng vàng? 
Cũng chẳng cần gạn hỏi
Nhưng khi cuốn buồm neo thuyền ngưng nghỉ, 
Tôi sẽ ngồi một mình tự hỏi lúc chiều buông
Em về đâu, nơi nao, 
Cất những bông lúa óng vàng?

There is room for you. You are alone with your few sheaves of rice.
My boat is crowded, it is heavily laden, but how can I turn you away?
Your young body is slim and swaying; there is a twinkling smile in the edge of your eyes, and your robe is colored like the rain cloud.
The travelers will land for different roads and homes. You will sit for a while on the prow of my boat, and at the journey's end none will keep you back.
Where do you go, and to what home, to garner your sheaves?
I will not question you, but when I fold my sails and moor my boat
I shall sit and wonder in the evening,
Where do you go, and to what home, to garner your sheaves?

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