Friday, May 31, 2013

Morning coffee

It's Friday! I slowly open my eyes and smile... I would need to have my Starbucks ice coffee and review my day...
Paid day, collect bills
Call John for a bid regard my 100 years old Monkey Pod tree.
Take pictures of the ground was damaged.
Call Jenny re the insurance for Alani
A property to sell in the mainland...
And more to list...
Hey, what do you think if I dress up a bit and put no make up? 

I know you always like I put on make up.
Who care now!!??


  1. No need for make-up. You are beautiful enough. And Such a good selection of blouse and shorts, surely there is no need for make up. ;)

    1. Thanks for liking my clothing selection today.
      You can see on the picture that i looked so pale without make up :(
